The Blessing

The Blessing is an ancient tradition that almost has been lost over the centuries. Yet it is a powerful tool used throughout scriptures.  In Orthodox Jewish communities, The Blessing continues today to be spoken from one generation to the next.  The ideal is for a father to speak blessings over his children, especially his son(s).  It is making a human profession of God’s divine vision and purpose for this person. It is asking God’s favor on a person. When we speak, we activate a spiritual power.  Remember:  God created the universe when He spoke.  Also, Paul tells us we are saved when we believe in our hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord AND when we profess that faith.  Speaking activates spiritual power.

The Blessing is a practice originated by God Himself.  As early as Genesis 1:28, we see God blessing Adam and Eve.  Another significant demonstration of God’s blessing is seen at the baptism of His precious Son, Jesus Christ. We learn from Matthew, Mark and Luke the Father spoke over His Son as He was rising out of the water, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) Also, Paul often either began, or concluded, many of his letters with a blessing to his readers.

Words are powerful.  They have the potential to bless or curse; to give life or death (Proverbs 18:21).  Cavin Harper says, “Blessing means to praise your loved one, to endow with God’s favor and protection.” (Courageous Grandparenting, p. 133).  A blessing communicates to your loved one how treasured and valued they are, not only in your eyes, but also in the Lord’s eyes.

The Blessing is not to be confused with praying.  When we pray, we are speaking tothe Lord on behalf of a loved one.  When we bless, we are speaking to our loved one on behalf of the Lord.  The purpose of the Blessing is to boost a person’s self-worth, not his self-esteem.  A grandson may be a talented football player.  When we speak a blessing over our grandson, we focus on the gift from God of the athletic ability, not on the grandson’s strong performance.  When we speak a blessing over a child or grandchild, we affirm his God-given purpose, gifts and personality.

Blessing Elements

Based on John Trent and Gary Smalley’s book, The Blessing, there are five elements to a blessing:

  1. An appropriate, meaningful touch (such as a hug, holding hands or your hand placed on their head or shoulder)
  2. Speaking words of affirmation (“I love you”, “I’m proud God gave you to me”, “I enjoy spending time with you”)
  3. Expressing high value (“God has given you the ability to be a strong football player”, “God has enabled you to be a good mom”, “God has given you a heart to be a special friend”, “God desires for you to be strong and healthy…”)
  4. Picturing a special future (“God wants to use your athleticism in a special way …”, “God has called you to raise this child for Him …”, “God has planned for you to be a good friend so that ….”)
  5. Making an active commitment to support and guide (“I will always be here for you as you play a game/be a mother/be a friend”, “God will equip you in all you need to be the football player/mom/friend He intends for you to be”)

Blessing Categories

There are two categories of blessings:

  1. General occasions:  bedtime, breakfast, departure, meal time etc
  2. Special occasions:  birth, birthday, anniversary, graduation, baptism, confirmation, first day of school/job, new house, marriage or other milestones

As a grandparent or parent, you are in a unique position to nurture and strengthen your loved ones for the Lord through your words of blessing. Do not be intimidated. As you speak (or write) these powerful words, you become God’s vessel (conduit).  You are a “pipeline” through which He directly communicates to your children/grandchildren words of love, acceptance and protection.  The Blessing is His vision for their lives based on the abilities, talents and attributes He has given them. The Blessing is not designed to build a person’s self-esteem.  It is not given based on performance.  Instead, the Blessing is a means through which God’s grace flows, affirming their value and His purpose for their lives.  God created each one of us.  He made us unique with a special purpose.  Know that if you are a confessing believer in Christ, you have been given His authority to speak these words to your loved ones on His behalf.  When you feel led to speak a blessing over a loved one, seek God for the words that He desires to be spoken over this special person.  Ask Him, “What do You want to say to this person?”.  Think about their characteristics, attributes and/or gifts.  Your words can help him to see the value he is to the Lord as well as to you. 

Blessing Example

Here is an example:

Greg, I am proud of the man you are becoming.  God has called you to be a devoted and faithful worker.  He has given you the ability to design clear, engaging webpages so that your client can promote his business in an informative, concise and attractive manner.  Know that God has called you to be His hands as you design your work.  As He continues to give you skills and wisdom for this work, I am here for you.  I am excited to see where God will lead you and to learn what special future He has planned for you.  I love you and am proud to call you my son.


A few years ago, a study was performed on our prison systems.  One unexpected finding was there are few Jewish men in prison.  Sociologists have discussed this phenomenon.  Could there be a connection between The Blessing spoken over young Jewish men at their Bar Mitzvah and the direction their lives follow?  Could these special words spoken by their earthly father on behalf of their heavenly Father cast God’s vision/plan for their lives?  Could the spoken blessing create a layer of protection, a cocoon of sorts, that shields them from the pitfalls of the world?

The Blessing is a powerful tool given to us by God.  Yet, very few people even know this practice exists.  The Lord longs to use you, the parent or grandparent, to verbalize His plans for His child.  Speaking a blessing lays a foundation for your loved one to learn and believe in God’s love for him.  It is a practice that can change a life forever.

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