I love this picture of Jesus caressing the baby lamb. It is one of my favorite images of Him. The Bible tells me that Jesus is “The Good Shepherd” (John 10:11,14). Not only is He “The Good Shepherd”, but also, He is my Shepherd. He longs to be in […]
Grandparenting by Grit and Grace (Part 4)
Like the pup in this picture, sometimes we grandparents need to keep our chin up — to keep on “truckin’” even when the journey is arduous. It takes “grit” and “grace” to grandparent today. So, it was a relief to me when I learned the Lord is not looking for […]
Grandparenting by Grit and Grace (Part 3)
In “Grandparenting by Grit and Grace, Part Two”, I shared with you the lovely story of the Chicago Bear pro football Hall of Fame player, Walter Payton. He lived a life filled with “grit and grace”. Not only was his life exemplary to me, but also, his death. […]
Grandparenting by Grit and Grace (Part 2)
Recently, my friend and fellow Board member of the Anglican Women, Anne Walters, shared a beautiful story that speaks well to Grandparenting by Grit and Grace. She talked about a man named Walter Payton. Now, maybe you have heard of Walter. I had not. Walter was a professional football […]
Grandparenting by Grit and Grace (Part 1)
Love these boys! Carrie’s youngest, Griffin, and Jeff’s oldest, Uri. But guess whom we are all loving these days? Yep, that adorable puppy sitting in my lap. Her name is “John Griffin ‘Folly’’’ — at least, that is what Griffin says. Believe me, you will probably be hearing more […]
A Grandparent’s Prayer
Grandparenting is not easy — especially in the world of the 21st century. Yet, that is when the Lord has called each of us to step into this amazing senior role within our families. We can be the matriarch or patriarch that He destined us to be only by His […]
The Blessing
The Blessing The Blessing is an ancient tradition that almost has been lost over the centuries. Yet it is a powerful tool used throughout scriptures. In Orthodox Jewish communities, The Blessing continues today to be spoken from one generation to the next. The ideal is for a father to speak […]
My Mission Trip
I am blessed to share with you some exciting news! Recently, I was asked by Bishop John Fenwick, the Bishop of the Diocese of Northern England, to come to his diocese as a short-term missionary through SAMS (Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders). I will be continuing the work of Pass the Legacy Ministry as I share the light of Christ to grandparents. My home base will be in Preston. For two months (March, April, 2020), I will lead devotions at local senior homes, lead studies based on my book, Pass the Legacy: 7 Keys for Grandparents Making a Difference,minister one-on-one to grandparents and speak occasionally throughout the Diocese.
Fill Her Up
Second Article for The Summerville Journal Scene “… you will be my witnesses … to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 I returned home late Sunday afternoon. As I walked in the door, I stepped over a red toy truck. I gazed around the room. Granted, housekeeping is […]
In 1978 President Jimmy Carter declared the first Sunday following Labor Day to be “Grandparents Day” in the United States. This is a day for our nation to recognize and honor the matriarchs and patriarchs of our families. It is also an occasion to remind — even challenge — […]