I love this picture of Jesus caressing the baby lamb.  It is one of my favorite images of Him. The Bible tells me that Jesus is “The Good Shepherd” (John 10:11,14).   Not only is He “The Good Shepherd”, but also, He is my Shepherd.  He longs to be in a close relationship with me. Now, that’s amazing …. 

Many grandparents are eager to develop a relationship with the Lord.  But they simply do not know how.  In Part Four of “Grandparenting by Grit and Grace”, I talk about the first step towards Godly grandparenting is to surrender your life to Christ.  How do you do that?  Well, you pray. You ask Jesus to come into your heart and become the ruler of your life.  You do this first and foremost for your eternal salvation.  But you also invite the Lord into your heart for the sake of your children and grandchildren. With Jesus living in your heart, you can powerfully point your loved ones towards Him.

Many of you will say, “I did that years ago when I was a child.”  Or maybe you prayed as recently as last year, or last month, inviting Jesus Christ into your life.  However, if as you read this post, you cannot recall a moment when Jesus came into your life, then I encourage you to take time before you go to bed tonight inviting The Good Shepherd to come into your heart.  

Start by finding a quiet place.  Close your eyes and know that as you intentionally choose to draw near to the Lord, He will draw near to you. Then speak to Him.  You may say something like this:  “Dear Jesus, Thank you for loving me.  Please come into my heart and live with me forever.  I know that I am a sinner, that I fall short of who You created me to be.  Please forgive me, I pray, and help me to follow You all the days of my life.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

If you prayed this prayer, know at this moment all of Heaven is rejoicing  —  over you!  Also, know that the Lord Jesus Christ will do what He promised to do.  He will come and live in your heart.  Do you remember the old saying, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  Well, this day is the first day of the rest of your life … for eternity.  

Now (!) you are well equipped for the first step to “Grandparenting by Grit and Grace”.

For more prayers on committing your life to Christ, go to my book, Pass the Legacy: 7 Keys for Grandparents Making a Difference, p. 25 – 26.

More “Grandparenting by Grit and Grace”

But their hectic schedules often complicate any intentions they have.  I know my “busy-ness” causes me to shorten my morning Quiet Times, diminish my prayer time and curtail many meaningful conversations with my loved ones.  Yes, we are busy, very busy.

Ephesians 3:17 (?)

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