Easter Fun with Grandkids

A few of my favorites! (easy) Easter Activities for Grandparents to do with kids.  When you dye Easter eggs, leave one white! Talk about how this one represents Jesus who is pure and holy (perfect in every way).  Also, the “Pure Egg” can remind us that when Jesus died and […]

Pass the Legacy Premises

Premise 1:  Parents and grandparents have been called by God to encourage faith in their children and grandchildren. Premise 2:  As a culture, we are generally not intentional faith builders as grand parents and “grown” parents of our children. Premise 3:  The Golden Generation is burdened by their grown children’s absence in […]

Pass the Legacy Premise : 4

There is an urgency to inform and equip “grown” parents to prayerfully reach out to their children & grandchildren. Perhaps at no other time in history has a call to spiritual leadership from parents and grandparents been as critical as it is today?! (Cavin Harper, intro to Lillian Penner’s Grandparenting […]

Pass the Legacy Premise : 3

The Golden Generation is burdened by their grown children’s absence in the Kingdom Three out of four parents with grown children sitting in our church pews have at least one child not walking in a relationship with the Lord (Rienow, Never Too Late).  Many of these “gparents” feel a heart-wrenching […]