Parents and grandparents have been called by God to encourage faith in their children and grandchildren.

This is true regardless of the age of their descendents!  As long as there is breath in these parents/grandparents, they have a Godly mission to teach the next generations to know, love and serve the Lord such that these children/grandchildren become life-long followers of Jesus Christ.  No one else on earth has the same power of influence as these parents/gparents on their children/gchildren.  It is not up to the Church to pass the faith in the next generations.  Nor does the responsibility stop once the children are grown.  It has always been the intention and heart of God for parents of grown children and grandparents to be prayerfully, intentionally and carefully involved in shaping the faith of their children/gchildren.  It is the mission of “Pass the Legacy” to inform this “golden generation” in their divine calling.

Indonesia : Grandmother with her Granddaughter
Indonesia : Grandmother with her Granddaughter

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