SEVEN KEYS  for Salty Grandparents

As Grand Parents, we are called by God to be that “salty” ingredient in the hearts and lives of our children and grand children. We have been given the God-shaped destiny of impacting the lives and touching the hearts of our loved ones such that we pass a legacy of faith in Christ to the next generations. There is no greater legacy!!!

Do you long to be a ‘salty’ grandparent?  Catherine is available to lead the following groups:

  1.      Small Group Book Study
  2.      Sunday School class
  3.      Church community conferences

Catherine gives presentations lasting thirty minutes, sixty minutes or 90 minutes.

She also gives conferences consisting of multiple one hour presentations. She is available to meet in the morning, afternoon or evening; week nights or weekends.  Her presentations are based on “The Seven Keys’.  She can talk on one key or a combination of keys.  If there is a specific topic you would like to address, Catherine loves to tailor her talks to certain interests or needs.

Contact Catherine at for more information and scheduling.

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